Mr. Frosty

As Some of you might know, when I'm not drawing and painting I work at a hospital.
About this time last year it snowed and I had some time to use up on my dinner break so I desided to make Mr. Frost here. He took about 1 hour to make and my hands were frozen . All the patients and staff loved him.
It was sad to see him melt, but I hope that it snows this year so I can make him again, and maybe make him a friend so he doesn't have to melt alone.

In Picture: Iris and Pam

Doggy Dreams

"Every nap the same old nightmare...
Milly was thankful when she was awake,
but every dogs gotta sleep sometime."

I have always wondered what dogs dream about when they lay on their bed, restlessly wimpering. Maybe they're chasing cats or maybe the cats are chasing them?


It had suddenly become clear to Melissa that life with a new born wasn't what she'd imagined it would be.

Guide dog