Pickle the picker IF - Memories.

Like most of my other pictures I had to give him a story, bring him to life. It is written around him as you can see. It goes like this;
Goblins are a retchid lot but none as bad as this, his name is Pickle 'cause he picks his nose and worse lets not dismiss. He picks a ripe boggie and rolls it around ready for the flicking, but instead of shooting that boggie high he treats his tongue to a licking.
Its discusting I know, to say the least, but that's what Goblins do! Pickles the best picker of the rest, he'll hide, then pick, then chew.
So if you ever get caught picking your nose then this is what you can say, "I'm not the best picker Mum thats for sure, it's Pickles, not me, no way".
For me, Pickle reminds me of alot of good times, of good friends that I wish I could see more of. Back then, when Goblins were real to me, when magic was the pencil in my hand and clean paper infront. I can honestly say were very good days... Those days are gone and life moves on, and with it I must also move. Yet the great thing about memories are that they can take you back, in a flash, back to whom ever and where ever you desire.
hummm, I think I will start painting Goblins again.....